Saturday, March 22, 2008

Who is worse - Limbaugh or O'reilly

As a footnote to zhi's post on what a righteous douchebag Bill O-reilly is, I just have to clear the air, that a lot of conservative nonsense does get massive amounts of airtime. It is certainly sad that most liberals are forced to get their news from the likes of John Stewart and Steven Colbert.

But that is beside the point.
got posted something like yesterday. I listen to talk radio to and from work. It just so happens that often around lunch time Rush is on, and making an absolute fool of himself, twisting, generally the liberal right news, because he has nothing else to talk about, and generally glorifying himself in his own eyes as much as anyone else I have ever seen. I get only marginal satisfaction from realizing that he honestly thinks he is as great as he says he is, and I try and listen to understand some of the conservative talking points, but sometimes this is even hard to bear. While OReilly is a much bigger rabble rouser and known instigator, but Rush Limbaugh is just a fucking carpetbagger.

Please weigh in.


Alex said...


Azim said...

I agree Alex, Rush Limbaugh is part of what is wrong with this country. It is disappointing that Barack Obama is trying to have a new, refreshing, completely positive campaign and he continues to have to put up with the same old negative attacks. It is frustrating to watch Hillary garner votes based on these attacks and with her "same old Washington textbook campaign." Also, after Barack gave such a candid and profound speech on race just a few days ago, how could Rush make such ludicrous remarks?

Another person I simply cannot stand to listen to: Tucker Carlson. I don't want to hear him speak, or look at his ridiculous bow-tie. I'm sure most of you have seen this, but just in case here is John Stewart totally humiliating Tucker on Crossfire a few years ago:

Azim said...

So I was trying to figure out what the heck your little comment meant there Alex and I realized I misspelled Mr. Stewart's name as well. Apologies.