Monday, February 9, 2009

Good Fortune

So as I was listening to our new President* announce that last month, the economy lost 500,000 jobs, I couldn't help but feel fortunate. Those are 500K families who have lost not only their source of income, but also their health care, and perhaps even their retirement savings. It's an uncertain time for all of us, but for those unfortunate many, it is also a desperate one. In that light, I couldn't help but look back at the things I may take for granted from time to time.

I was fortunate enough to have parents ambitious and talented enough to bring me here, so I wouldn't have to toil and suffer as they did.

I was fortunate enough to have a childhood free from emotional trauma and physical hardships.

I was fortunate enough to be surrounded with good friends and mentors throughout school, college, and beyond who pushed me and made me better.

I was fortunate enough to attend a university and a program renowned enough to certify me as capable.

I was fortunate enough to land a job at a tremendously successful company, filled with many talented, inspired people, right as it was taking off.

I didn't choose my profession because of any particular foresight. I didn't choose to study to be a computer scientist in a time when the tech sector was shrinking knowing that when it inevitably expanded again, my skill set would make me valuable. I did it because I liked computers, and math, and engineering. I didn't choose to work at Google because I knew it was best suited to survive any downturn, but because it seemed fun and was an opportunity that I had.

I am still fortunate to have my job, my health, my friends, and my family. Even still, I'd be willing to give up those things in that order. I can always get another job. But I've only got this one shot here, and even that's not guaranteed. I just hope I take the time to appreciate those of you who might read this little blog of my adventures, and for those that I care about who don't. There may be times I complain things don't go as well as they should...glad to be fortunate enough to be able to.

Didn't mean to sound sappy, just felt like I had to share.

*(It still feels weird to think of anyone 'new' as president, let alone Barack Obama)

1 comment:

Azim said...

*tear* I love you man!