Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Recommended Reading

This past 'Boys Weekend' was quite fun. I enjoyed it a lot and wish it could happen more often.

As I promised, I'd shard with you all some of the blogs that I use to populate my Google Reader, and thus steal away the productive hours of my day from Google.

- Feed URL (so you can paste it directly into your favorite RSS Aggregator)
- Unsolicited Commentary

- http://xkcd.com/atom.xml
- if you're not reading this, you're not a nerd

- http://www.woot.com/blog/rss.aspx
- not really news, but who doesn't want cheap crap?

Wondermark Lite
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/wondermark
- hi-larious

FAIL blog
- http://failblog.wordpress.com/feed/
- schadenfreude

Stuff White People Like
- http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/feed/
- also hi-larious

Bruce Schneier
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/schneier/fulltext
- if you don't read this, you don't care about privacy and security. You should, because it's some scary stuff.

- http://kissmesuzy.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
- I read it more than I do Deadspin, but basically the same as Deadspin

- http://feeds.gawker.com/deadspin/full
- the aforementioned

Media Matters
- http://feeds.mediamatters.org/mediamatters/latest
- monitoring the mainstream media

Crooks & Liars
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/crooksandliars/YaCP
- why we should all move to Canada

You can also create feeds from NYT.com, ESPN.com and so on. But I just put the few blogs that have captured my attention so far.

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